

The Conjugation Method of Augmented Reality in Museum Exhibition




In the age of digital convergence, examples of digital convergence are often witnessed in all aspects of society. Particularly worthy of note among them is the development of a technology called augmented reality (AR), which are aimed at pushing the limits of human experience. This has laid the foundation for new cultural conditions by manipulating the existing conditions of human experience. Especially, mobile is actively used as ubiquitous service that surpasses the limit of time and space. And it gives the people wanted information. Technologies like this are applied to exhibition at museums. AR technology has a wide range of applications, and can be effectively applied to museum exhibit environments, should the need arise for information on the uses and functions of artifacts, information on the restoration of damaged artifacts, the spatial characteristics of artifacts, or objects that require the modernization of artifacts. Utilizing AR technology via mobile applications can be implemented with no additional need for hardware and system. Augmented reality (AR) technology can provide a variety of solutions to help museums fulfill their role and goals..


 1. Development of Cultural Technology in the Age of Digital Convergence
 2. Functions of Museums and the Need for Advanced Technology
 3. Types of Artifacts Context Information in Museum
 4. How to Apply Augmented Reality to Museum Exhibitions
  4.1. Type that Needs Explanation of Artifacts’ Use and Function
  4.2. Type that Needs Restoration of Incomplete Artifacts
  4.3. Type that Needs Whole Structure with Artifact
  4.4. Type that Needs Modernization of Artifact Content
 5. Prospects of Merging Museum Exhibition and Digital Technology


  • Hee-soo Choi Department of History, Sangmyung University,


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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