

Establishment of Surface Topography Simulation Model with Considering Vibration and Wear of Ball-end Milling



Focusing on the influence of various factors of cutter and work-piece in milling process, such as force, wear and vibration, using discrete method to compute the trajectory of each points, and get the coordinates values of discrete points on the cutting edge at any time. A new method has been proposed to obtain the dynamic response of discrete points by transforming deformation of those values into work-piece coordinate system. At the same time, a new policy of retention has been proposed to avoid inadequate statistics and large number of statistics. Retaining coordinates which can effectively influence the formation of surface topography, the prediction model of surface topography can be established with the consideration of force, wear and dynamic response on the ball-end mill. This prediction model of surface topography has been proved to be effective and practicable by an experiment.


 1. Introduction
 2. Establishment of Trajectory Equations of Cutting Edge Discrete Points
  2.1. Point on the Cutting Edge Mathematical Description
  2.2 Trajectory of Discrete Points on the Cutting Edge
 3. Modification of the Trajectory
  3.1 Modification of the Trajectory based on Force of Cutter
  3.2 Modification of the Trajectory based on Vibration of Cutter
  3.3 Modification of the Trajectory based on Wear of Cutter
  3.4. Discrete Point Trajectory Equation
 4. Surface Topography Simulation and Experiment
  4.1. Discrete Point Trail Reservation
  4.2. Logic of Surface Topography Simulation
  4.3. Milling Experiment
  4.4. Analysis of Experimental and Simulation Result
 5. Conclusion


  • XiuLin Sui College of Mechanical and Power Engineering, Harbin University of Science and Technology Harbin Heilongjiang150080, China
  • Yi Zheng College of Mechanical and Power Engineering, Harbin University of Science and Technology Harbin Heilongjiang150080, China
  • JinGang Jiang College of Mechanical and Power Engineering, Harbin University of Science and Technology Harbin Heilongjiang150080, China
  • XinMin Feng College of Mechanical and Power Engineering, Harbin University of Science and Technology Harbin Heilongjiang150080, China


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