

A Study on the Exhibition Design Model of the Playing Environment-based Science Museum for Preschoolers




This study is focused on the research of exhibition design model for science museum, dedicated to preschoolers aged from 3 to 5 in their crucial developmental phase for wholesome development to help them explore intellectual curiosity through scientific play and experience. In this process, I propose exhibition design types or structures tailored to preschoolers’ science material and development features suitable for their each age group along with preferable play environment plan, and attempted to verify the direction for differentiated new hands-on education against average science museums. Based on the direction mapped out in this study, preschoolers’ science museum for their scientific thinking and wholesome human development are expected to be established.


 1. Introduction
 2. Unique Characteristics of Preschoolers’ Science Resource
  2.1. Direction of Preschoolers’ Science Resource
  2.2. Resource Classification and Features of Preschoolers’ Science Museum
 3. Preschoolers’ Science Museum Exhibition Design Plan
  3.1. Exhibition Direction for Preschoolers’ Science Museum
  3.2. Theme Setting and Hands-on Experience of Preschoolers’ Science Museum
 4. Exhibition Design Type for Preschoolers’ Science Museum Model
  4.1. Exhibition Design Type for Preschoolers’ Science Museum
  4.2. Direction toward Space Structure for Age Groups
  4.3. Exhibition Designs for Final Model Type
 5. Conclusion


  • Nak-hyun Jung Department of Multiplex Contents, Graduate School of Creative Industry, Andong National University, Andong, Korea
  • Jeong-Ah Choi Department of Multiplex Contents, Graduate School of Creative Industry, Andong National University, Andong, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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