

A Study on the Policy of Disaster Prevention for Housing Welfare Based on Mobile Environment



Korean government has recently constructed the integrated database for disaster prevention under the participation of relevant agencies. But the government project has been delayed because local governments have not properly provided basic data necessary to construct the database. And to formulate an effective disaster prevention policy, it is necessary to analyze the acceptable level of disaster by region through the analysis of the association between the degree of disaster and the disaster prevention facility within the region. Finally, it is thought that it is possible to take the preventive measure for minimizing the damage resulting from natural disasters by providing disaster-related information for local residents on a real-time basis through the construction of the mobile system.


 1. Introduction
 2. Theoretical Investigation and Previous Studies
  2.1. The Concept of Disaster Prevention
  2.2. Previous Studies Relating to Disaster and Mobile
 3. The Recent Realities of Korean Natural Disasters
 4. The Recent Realities of Korean Natural Disasters
  4.1. The Scheme to Construct the Integrated System for Disaster Prevention
  4.2. The Scheme to Use the Mobile System for Effective Disaster Prevention
 5. Conclusion


  • Youngwoo Nam Real Estate Dept., Nazarene University, 456 Ssangyong, Cheonan, Chungnam, 331-718, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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