

Energy Consumption Analysis of Delay Tolerant Network Routing Protocols



In a resource constrained network such as Delay Tolerant Networks (DTN), efficient utilization of resources such as energy is important for optimum network performance. However, due to nodes mobility, frequency of encounters and message transmission, most of node’s energy in this type of network is continuously depleted. A node’s energy in DTN plays an important role in the success of delivering messages. The lower the energy a node has, the lower its chance to deliver messages across the network. Thus, a proper energy-efficient routing protocol should be selected for message transmission for DTN applications. This issue leads us to investigate on the energy consumption of nodes in DTN. We simulated and compared several existing routing protocols and assessed them in terms of average remaining energy and number of dead nodes. Our results show that significant characteristics of these routing protocols contribute to either consuming low or high energy in delivering messages under certain network settings.


 1. Introduction
 2. Delay Tolerant Network
 3. Experiment Setup
  3.1. Simulation Parameters
  3.2. Metrics
 4. Results
 5. Conclusion and Future Work


  • Regin A. Cabacas Kunsan National University, Kunsan, South Korea
  • Hideaki Nakamura Yamaguchi University, Ube, Japan
  • In-Ho Ra Kunsan National University, Kunsan, South Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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