In this paper, we present an enhanced storage system that supports Byte-index chunking algorithm. The storage system aims to provide efficient data deduplication with high performance and to be performed in rapid time. We describe the overall procedure of Byte-index chunking based storage system including read/write procedure and how the system works. The key idea of Byte-index chunking is to adapt fixed-size block chunk scheme which are distributed to “Index-table” by chunk’s both side boundary values. We have found that Byte-index chunking in storage system provides high performance compared with other chunking schemes. Experiments result shows that the storage system with Byte-index chunking compresses overall data with high deduplication capability and reduce the speed of file processing.
1. Introduction
2. Related Works
3. System Architecture of Byte-index based Storage System
3.1 Byte-index Chunking Algorithm Concept
3.2. Byte-index Chunking Procedure
3.3. Byte-index Chunking Procedure
4. Performance Evaluation
5. Conclusion