

Implementation of Smartphone System using QR Code in Mobile Environment



Smartphone subscribers exceeded 20 million people, 'Smart Korea' is up on this track, and leaping to 'Smart powerful nation' from 'IT powerful nation'. Of course, the popularization of the smart phone called 'PC in the hands' has brought a revolutionary change to nation livelihood, and also to business and government, too. The current usage of Smartphone is not just a simple function call, people can communicate anytime, anywhere with it. And it has become the culture of the terminal type in the hands whenever and wherever. However, the screen size and the existing flash or video files do not run when trying to access to the homepage for PC with Smartphone. and it may gives the inconvenience to people who use mobile devices. Therefore, in this paper, it is a study for the provision of an efficient service for Smartphone users through the establishment of website for mobile in mobile environment.


 1. Introduction
 2. Related Work
  2.1. Necessity of Mobile Web-Page
  2.2. QR Code
 3. Mobile Web-page designing and its realization by making use of QR Code
  3.1. Aims of Technological Development
  3.2. Generating QR Code
  3.3. Generating Content
 4. Conclusion


  • Keunwang Lee Department of Multimedia Science,Chungwoon University, Sukgol-ro 113, Nam-gu, Incheon, 402-060, South Korea


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