

학부 중한번역수업에서의 번역이론 적용가능성- 해석이론 중심의 고찰


The feasibility to apply translation theories in undergraduate Chinese-Korean translation education classrooms.


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper attempts to examine and analyze the translated texts of the undergraduate students participated in a translation class based on interpretive theory of translation and to see the feasibility to apply atranslation theory in undergraduate translation classes. Undergraduate translation education appears to be focused language educating, it needsto be balanced translation theories and translation practices to develop training methods according to students’ language proficiency. As theobject of analysis, we chose the translated texts that undergraduate students had no difficulties to understand source texts to exclude theanalysis of linguistic errors. Many of the the translated texts of the undergraduate students revealed the problem of code switching, dividedinto two groups: a word-for -word literal translation and asentence-for-sentence literal translation. Students have difficulties tounderstand that words have to be re-expressed in various meanings depending on the context. And not understand semantic relationships between sentences. The main concepts of the interpretive theory oftranslation including the concept of deverbalization will help to eliminatethe habits of code switching that often appear when translating.


 I. 서론
 II. 교육번역인가? 번역교육인가?
 III. 방법론적 전제: 해석이론
 IV. 번역 분석 사례
  1. 분석 대상
  2. 탈언어화의 부재 사례
 V. 결론 및 향후 연구과제


  • 한정은 Han, Jeongeun.. 영남대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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