

Interconnections of Object Management for U-healthcare Services



Enterprise Information Technology (IT) professionals have reached the practical limits of two-tier architectures. Facing growing pressure to deliver broad-reaching application functionality quickly and cost-effectively, IT departments are turning to distributed object computing as the adaptive software architecture on which to build applications that meet these challenging business requirements. Besides, as a growing number of sophisticated services are provided over the Internet, the need arises to coordinate application objects into transactions, in such a way as to enable functionality and data to be shared across applications and over multiple platforms. The distributed computing environments provide various open u-healthcare multimedia services through telecommunication information networking structure developing based on object-oriented concepts and distributed technology which can be applied new services with a few changes over the existing networks. The existing object model in distributed computing environment has the limitations of the individual object modeling and the complexity of object’s management according to large capacity of distributed applications. In this paper, we design and implement the object group model that can be functionally and efficiently managed the individual objects in a given environment for decreasing the complexity in the distributed software’s management and development for u-health care services object management. We also presents the analysis of requirements and functions required to propose the object group model for u-healthcare, and depicts the functional structure in details using its analysis. We design the interaction procedures among the components of the object group for management and service functions for our object group model. And we show procedures using interaction procedure diagrams and ETDs(Event Tracing Diagram)s.


 1. Introduction
 2. Object Group Model for U-healthcare
 3. The Interconnection Design of U-healthcare Object
  3.1 Basic Concept
  3.2 The Interaction Procedure With OGTG
  3.3 The Interconnections for Object Management and Service
 4. The Implementation of U-healthcare Object Group Model
  4.1 The Object Group Module
  4.2 The OGTG Module
 5. Conclusion


  • Haeng-Kon Kim School of Information Technology, Catholic University of Daegu, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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