

Numerical Simulation Dynamics Research on Selective Reduction in Reaction Vessel of Fine Iron and Carbon Mixture




With the development of computer technology, computer numerical simulation has become one of the three major scientific methods in metallurgy field. Its basic idea is to achieve the simulation of metallurgical process and the design optimization through mathematical modeling, numerical dissertation and computer programming. Referring to the reaction model of theory of porous media within gas and solid, this research focuses on the selective reduction process in mixture vessel of fine iron and carbon, taking into consideration of heat transfer equation of porous medium, the rate equation of carbon gasified reaction, the equation of continuity, and the momentum equation and so on, and establishes a micro dynamics mathematical model of the selective reduction process of fine iron and carbon mixture under the non-uniform temperature and non-equal-pressure conditions. Based on this model, the analysis of micro-dynamics of selective reduction process can be conducted; it can be applied to analyses of the effects of mass transfer in gas phase, solid-state diffusion and surface chemical reaction to the selective reduction process, as well as the interaction between two different oxides and complex compounds; the enhance means of speed control can also be obtained.


 1. Introduction
 2. The Experimental Device for Selective Reduction of Fine Iron and Carbon Mixture in Reaction Vessel
 3.Mathematical Model
 4. Discrete Solutions
 5. Calculation Results
 6. Conclusion


  • Lan Xiaowen School of Information Engineering, Inner Mongolia University of Science &Technology, Baotou, China


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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