

The Common Challenges to the Successful Implementation of SmartWork Program



SmartWork as a new job organization paradigm for companies and employees has greatly increased in both popularity and use in recent years. SmartWork is a new way of working and living way that is not fixed in terms of time or location. It involves working from home or nearly anywhere, enabled by an increased reliance upon mobile based telecommunication technologies to conduct work activities. Despite the increased use of SmartWork in some organizations and the continued efforts by government, the reality is that barriers to the implementation of SmartWork have remained relatively consistent over time. Based on a literature review of research in SmartWork, this paper identifies these potential challenges faced by companies to developing and implementing a successful SmartWork program.


 1. SmartWork: Definition and Overview
 2. The Common Challenges to the Successful Implementation of SmartWork
  2.1. Information Technology - Equipment
  2.2. Security
  2.3. Training
  2.4. Management Practices
  2.5. Safety and Liability
 3. Conclusion


  • Kyung Jin Cha KeiMyung University, 1095 Dalgubeol-daero, Daegu, 704401, Korea
  • Joon Seub Cha Honam University, 417 Euodeaung-daero, Gwangju, 506714, Korea


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