

Information Technology Enabled Organizational Transformation : Toward an Integrative Theoretical Framework



Information Technology enabled Organizational Transformation (ITOT) persists as an important issue for researchers and practitioner of information systems. Although the usage variety is interesting and potentially significant, the discourse surrounding OT remains poorly explicated in terms of both meaning and relationship with other related concepts. Several models have been developed in the literature to facilitate understanding of the process by how information technology enables fundamental organizational transformation. On the basis of critical analysis and synthesis of available literature, this paper proposes an integrative theoretical framework that captures and extends relevant theories and concepts around IT enabled OT. The four types of transforming organization appearing in the quadrants of the proposed matrix are: (1) Innovative transformer, (2) Dynamic transformer, (3) Quick-run organization, and (4) Learning organization.


 1. Introduction
  1.1. A Shift from Revolutionary Change to Continuous Change
  1.2. History of Concepts Relating to Organizational Transformation
 2. The Nature of IT-enabled Organizational Transformation
  2.1. History of Concepts Relating to IT-enabled OT
  2.2. Interdisciplinary view of IT-enabled Organizational Transformation
 3. The IT-enabled Organizational Transformation matrix
  3.1. Quick-run Organization
  3.2. Innovative Transformer
  3.3. Learning Organization
  3.4. Dynamic Transformer
 4. Conclusion


  • Kyung Jin Cha KeiMyung University, 1095 Dalgubeol-daero, Daegu, 704401, Korea
  • Joon Seub Cha Honam University, 417 Euodeaung-daero, Gwangju, 506714, Korea


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