


천평(天平)시대의 마당(庭), 백성(民)의 마당 - 동아시아 <정원(庭園)>문화연구를 위해 -


Yard of a Tempyo(天平), People's yard - As an aid of the garden cultural studies in East Asia -

우에노 마코토, 박상현

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The excavation of the garden(禁苑) of a Changan(長安) or the garden in Kyongju(慶州) progresses recently, and the garden cultural studies in ancient East Asia have greeted the new stage. So to speak, these are the yards of an emperor or a king. The relation between the ancient sovereignty of East Asia and a garden will become future still clearer.
Japan is not the exception. either. Many gardens of Asuka were unearthed recently and the situation of a king's yard in the capital in the seventh century has become clear. It was the conditions containing a civilized country to have a splendid garden in the world of East Asia of those days. However, on the other hand about people's residence, there are few data. Those situations do not spread on a key by carrying out theMannyoushu(萬葉集). The garden called YADO which planted the favorite plant in front of the building in which oneself lives hits it. In this announcement, the Mannyoushu(萬葉集) is explored for the situation of the yard of the people of the Tempyo age as data. I want to clarify the special feature of people's garden culture from there. As an aid of the ancient garden cultural studies in East Asia.


I. 머리말
 II. ‘아즈마 지방의 노래(東歌)’의 마당(庭), ‘병사의 노래(防人歌)’의 마당
 III. 오토모노 야카모치(大伴家持)의 마당(庭), 아름다운 패랭이꽃이 심어져 있는 마당
 IV. 오토모노 타비토(大伴旅人)의 마당(庭), 둘이서 만들었던 마당(山齋)
 V. 오토모노 후미모치(大伴書持)의 마당(庭), 주인의 취미를 반영하는 <정원>의 취향
 VI. 왕(王)의 마당(庭), 제2의 자연
 VII. 맺음말


  • 우에노 마코토 Ueno, Makoto. 일본나라대학교 교수, 일본고대문학전공
  • 박상현 Park, Sang-hyun. 경희사이버대학교 일본학과 전임강사, 일본고대문학전공


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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