

A Framework for the Creating, Expressing and Sharing of User’s Emotion



This paper presents the Emotionally Intelligent Contents (EIC) framework designed to support the rapid development of interactive emotion contents. The EIC framework consists of the Emotion Recognizer for detecting user’s emotional states, the Emotion Server for storing and sharing emotion data, the Emotion Content Authoring Tool for customizing user’s own emotional expression rules, the Emotion Rule Controller for processing user’s emotional rules, and the Emotion Content Player for displaying the content according to the user’s emotional states and his/her personalized emotion rules. This framework allows a designer to create the emotion content that interprets a user’s emotional state and adapts its visual and aural characteristics based on user-specified emotion rules. It dynamically alters user-specified images or models to express user emotions. It also enables users to share their emotion with others using customized emotion expressions applied in the content. Several prototype EICs were built with this framework. A pilot study was conducted to compare the EIC against the original content and the initial result showed that the EIC had significantly more influence on the subject’s emotion than the original content.


 1. Introduction
 2. Emotion Model and Emotion Recognition
  2.1. Emotion Model
  2.2. Emotion Recognition
 3. Emotionally Intelligent Content Framework
  3.1. The Emotion Recognizer and the Emotion Server
  3.2. The Emotion Content Authoring Module
  3.3. The Emotion Rule Controller Module
  3.4. The Emotion Content Player Module
 4. Applications
  4.1. The Emotion Video Player
  4.2. The Emotion Nocturne Thief Game
  4.3. The EmOcean Virtual Environment
  4.4. The Emotional Digital Picture Frame
 5. Evaluation of Intelligent Emotion Contents
 6. Conclusion


  • Kyoung Shin Park Department of Multimedia Engineering, Cheonan, Chungnam, Korea
  • Yongjoo Cho Department of Digital Media, Sangmyung University, Seoul, Korea
  • Dong Keun Kim Department of Digital Media, Sangmyung University, Seoul, Korea


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