

Fast 3D Graphics Rendering Technique with CUDA Parallel Processing



3D Graphic Rendering has been used to express realistic, 3-dimensional, and emphasized effects in the graphics. As 3D Graphic Rendering developed and became more prevalent, the need for acceleration in data processing grew as well, leading to a development of GPU (Graphic Processing Unit) and shading language used for GPU such as GLSL (OpenGL Shading Language) and HLSL (Higher Language Shading Language). 3D Graphic Rendering based on GPU, however, clearly has its limitation in processing complicated calculations such as calculating curvatures of the surface or ray tracing method, especially as the greater magnitude of the 3D polygonal model data is being used. The following paper will discuss the new method of 3D graphic rendering that is based on faster GPU parallel processing system called CUDA (Compute Unified Device Architecture) to administer 3D polygonal model data and process calculations. In the paper, we will discuss about the characteristics of CUDA and test for graphic rendering of 3D polygonal model according to those characteristics. We will also examine whether it is possible to accelerate the graphic rendering process using CUDA for 3D graphic rendering.


 1. Introduction
 2. Related Work
 3. Characteristics of CUDA
 4. Fast 3D Polygonal Model Rendering using CUDA
  4.1. Data Administration using CUDA
  4.2. Processing calculations using CUDA
 5. Result
 6. Conclusion and Future Work


  • Ji-Hoon Kang Department of Computer Science Education, Korea University
  • Syung-Og An Department of Game Engineering, Paichai University
  • Shin-Jin Kang School of Games, Hongik University
  • Seok-Hun Kim Department of Mobile Media, Suwon Women’s College
  • SooKyun Kim Department of Game Engineering, Paichai University


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