


성리학적 사유구조와 그 중심문제 - ‘태극(太極)’개념과 그에 따른 범주적 해석 -


The Thinking Structure of Neo-Confucianism and Its Key Theme - The Concept of 'Supreme Ultimate' and Its Categorical Understanding


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The essay is focused upon the concept of Supreme Ultimate and its categorical understanding. Through its categorical understanding, we can grasp the thinking way of Neo-Confucianism, which gives a clue to a kind of methodological turn from the cosmological view of universe to the ontological doctrine of substance.
In the traditional context of Confucius' and Mencius' Dao, Neo-Confucianists establish the concepts of 'principle', 'mind' and 'vital force,' which come from the logical law of understanding the original substance of 'Supreme Ultimate.' They explain the origin and realization of moral quality through the meaning and significance of the original substance of 'Supreme Ultimate' revealed in the human nature. An organic structure of Supreme Ultimate and its unfolding way is extended into the doctrine of the original substance of 'principle', 'mind' and 'vital force.' According to the Neo-Confucian school of Li-xue, the 'principle' is escalated to the moral standard and law of human nature. According to the Neo-Confucian school of Xin-xue, the 'mind' is escalated to the moral standard and law of human nature. According to the Neo-Confucian school of Qi-xue, the 'vital force' is escalated to the moral standard and law of human nature. They all establish the ground of human existence, namely, its essence, status and value from the perspective of the higher conception of universal substance. Therefore, they enhance the originality of Confucian value to the most ultimate level of universal substance, and thus provide a certain metaphysical basis for the morality of Neo-Confucianism.


I. 서론
 II. 왕필, 주돈이, 소옹의 태극관
  1. 왕필의 태극관
  2. 주돈이의 태극관
  3. 소옹의 태극관
 III. 理學의 太極觀
  1. 정호와 정이의 '천리'와 '태극'의 관계
  2. 주희의 태극동정관
 IV. 心學의 太極觀
  1. 육구연의 태극과 황극
  2. 왕양명의 태극과 양지본체론
  3. 왕기의 태극관
  4. 담약수의 태극관
 V. 氣學의 太極觀
  1. 장재의 ‘太虛’와 태극관
  2. 왕정상의 '원기'와 태극관
  3. 왕부지의 태극관
 VI. 결론


  • 金演宰 김연재. 동국대 불교문화연구소 연구교수, 동양철학전공


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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