In this paper, we propose a new painterly rendering technique for visualizing sound, based on correlation between sight and auditory. We analyze the sound feature to create a painterly image which is dependent upon the input music that is playing by user using the piano interface. We analyze the tempo, the frequency, and the octave which are the basic characteristics of sound features. Sound features are used to determine strokes shapes, colors, and brightness which are the crucial elements to complete the pictorial rendering. In addition, during the rendering process, we use a multiple layer system to overlap the layers. From this study, we can create a non-photorealistic image which is suitable for the mood of the music that is playing by user.
1. Introduction
2. Related Work
2.1. Painterly Rendering
2.2. Audio Visualization
3. System Overview
4. Piano Interface
5. Sound Feature Extraction
5.1. Tempo extraction
5.2. Frequency and Octave analysis
6. Painterly Rendering
6.1. Stroke Shape
6.2. Stroke Color and Brightness
6.3. Stroke placement
7. Results
8. Conclusion and Future Work