International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering
Vol.8 No.6
피인용수 : 0건 (자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)
The purpose of this study is to understand how the Digital Textbook interface developed in the leading researches affects learner’s motivation. As a result, four out of seven interest factor of Digital textbook interface affect learning motivation. These interest factors are emphatic factor, esthetic factor, explorative factor, and cognitive factor. Experimental factor also is proven to be a potential influential factor. The leading researches proved that most of interest factors have a meaningful effect on learning motivation. Therefore, the interest factors supplied in the Digital Textbook user interface confirmed its education value.
1. Introduction
2. Logical Background
2.1. Interest Logic
2.2. Learning Motivation Theory
3. Research Range and Method
3.1. Survey
3.2 Statistic Data Analysis
4. Research Result
4.1. Correlation per factors
4.2. Influence of interest factors on learning motivation
4.3. Influence of interest factor on attention
4.4. Influence of interest factor on relativity
4.5. Influence of interest factor on confidence
4.6. Influence of interest factor on satisfaction
5. Conclusion
1. Introduction
2. Logical Background
2.1. Interest Logic
2.2. Learning Motivation Theory
3. Research Range and Method
3.1. Survey
3.2 Statistic Data Analysis
4. Research Result
4.1. Correlation per factors
4.2. Influence of interest factors on learning motivation
4.3. Influence of interest factor on attention
4.4. Influence of interest factor on relativity
4.5. Influence of interest factor on confidence
4.6. Influence of interest factor on satisfaction
5. Conclusion