

Speech Sobriety Test Based on Formant Energy Distribution



When a person is drunk, lung capacity, lung movement velocity and air pulse change. Drunken people show unique characteristics especially in their speeches with respect to the spectrum area because they tend to speak more forcefully. In other words, the spectrum in the low frequency band area and high frequency band area become relatively flat. This paper suggests that it is possible to develop a sobriety test using speech analysis based on formant energy distribution. The test utilizes the errors in forming the formant envelope between high order linear prediction coding and low order linear prediction coding. About 65% accuracy was obtained in determining whether or not a person is sober by this method.


 1. Introduction
 2. Speech Sobriety Test based on Formant Energy Distribution
 3. Test and Result
 4. Conclusion


  • Chan-Joong Jung Information and Telecommunication Department, Soongsil University
  • Seong-Geon Bae Information and Telecommunication Department, Soongsil University
  • Myung-Sook Kim Department of English Language and Literature
  • Myung-Jin Bae Soongsil University, Sangdo-Ro 369, DongJak-Ku, Seoul, 156-743, Republic of Korea.


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