

고용허가제(EPS)가 인력 송출국에 미치는 영향 - 한국어 보급과 한국문화 파급 효과를 중심으로 -


A Study on the Effect of Employment Permit System(EPS) to Labour-Sending Countries: Focusing on the Distribution of Korean Language and the Impact of Korean Culture.


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Chung, Ho-Jin. 2014. A Study on the Effect of Employment Permit System(EPS) to Labour-Sending Countries: Focusing on the Distribution of Korean Language and the Impact of Korean Culture. The Language and Culture 10-1: 233-252. This study aims to analyse the effect of Employment Permit System(EPS) to fifteen labour-sending countries focusing on the distribution of Korean language and the impact of Korean culture. In considering the distribution of Korean language, I present universities which have Korean language education as a major, and King Sejong Institutes and Korean Education Centers which are established in labour-sending countries. In all countries, Korean language education has been vitalized in both formal and informal educational institutes. For the consideration of the impact of Korean culture, I discuss the change which has appeared in the export of Korean cultural products such as dramas, films, K-pops, and so on. The amount of export to labour-sending countries has rapidly been increased. Various phenomena caused by the influence of Korean culture are also discussed. Some Korean dramas are introduced in local broadcasts and K-pop music is loved by the younger generation. Also, some Korean restaurants are open for business. The stability and development of EPS will continually have a positive influence on the distribution of Korean language education, and accelerate the impact of Korean culture to labour-sending countries. (Keimyung University)


 1. 들어가는 말
 2. 국내 입국자 수
 3. 인력 송출국의 한국어 보급 현황
  3.1. 한국어 관련 전공 개설 대학
  3.2. 세종학당
  3.3. 한국교육원
 4. 한국 문화 파급 효과
  4.1. 문화 수출 확대
  4.2. 한국 문화의 현지 파급 효과
 5. 맺는 말
 참고 문헌


  • 정호진 Chung, Ho-Jin.. 계명대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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