Culture Reading and Korean Writing through Using the Traditional Korean Fairy Tales.
Kim, Mi-Young. 2014. Culture Reading and Korean Writing through Using the Traditional Korean Fairy Tales. The Language and Culture 10-1: 1-28. These days, it is no longer a rare thing to meet foreign students at Korean universities. However, in order for them to overcome their difficulties, they need to attain a high level of Korean language proficiency. The purpose of this paper is to suggest a writing model for the improvement of foreign students’ proficiency of Korean in writing Korean. It is recommended that the model is implemented prior to entering university, The model hereby considered contains a reading component that uses fairy tales as study material in the writing model because the two skills are highly interrelated. The writing includes 5 texts ranging from Korean traditional fairy tales to extensive tales for imagination, which were analyzed first and then arranged with step processes by depth of contents in this paper. They are all done through reading, which are descriptive writing, analytic writing, critical writing as well as cultural comparative writing and inferential writing. It is anticipated that this writing model helps Foreign students to raise their ability of writing and understand of Korean culture. The level of reading material and the number of assignments can be adjusted to suit the students’ level.(Semyung University)
1. 서론
2. 전래동화를 활용한 문화 읽기와 글쓰기에 관련된 선행연구
3. 문화 습득과 전래동화
3.1. 왜 문화 습득이 필요한가?
3.2. 왜 전래동화인가?
4. 읽기 자료 선정
5. 수행활동
5.1. 어떻게 읽을 것인가?
5.2. 어떻게 쓸 것인가?
5.3. 수행과정에서의 교수자의 역할
6. 전래동화를 활용한 문화 읽기와 한국어 글쓰기
6.1. 「북두칠성이 된 일곱 형제」를 활용한 문화 읽기와 설명적 글쓰기
6.2. 「흥부와 놀부」를 활용한 문화 읽기와 분석적 글쓰기
6.3. 「선녀와 나무꾼」을 활용한 문화 읽기와 비판적 글쓰기
6.4. 「콩쥐팥쥐」를 활용한 문화 읽기와 문화 비교 글쓰기
6.5. 「심청전」을 활용한 문화 읽기와 추론적 글쓰기
7. 결론
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