

김용호 시의 변천과 성격


The changes and meanings of Kim Yongho’s poetry


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Kim yongho is known as modern relic poet of Korea. And indeed mostof his poems sentimental include relic emotions. However unlike thesecommentaries he was a poet with consciousness about existence. Thus inorder to see the points throughout Kim yongho’s poems that has variouschanges, arrangement in chronological order is needed. It is because thechanges literal works do with the passage of time is considered importantamong history of literature. This research about the changes and characteristics in Kim yongho’spoems, conducted in the purpose written above, found that the firstanthology of Kim yongho, Feastimaged ‘compassion and sorrow for dailylife’based on sentiment and lyricism. The secondary anthologyYearly blooming flowerwas intended toexpress the ‘love and hope for liberated mother country’projected withhistorical mission based on patriotism. Third anthology Blue starexpressed ‘the world of eros and longing forpure nature’with the basis of natural harmony and assimilation. Forthanthology Wingshows ‘recognition of self and fatalistic view of world ’that started from ideal recognition. The fifth anthology Song of praising the south seais understood as thefinale of the historical awareness that makes up for the scatteredsentiment in Kim yongho’s poems. The sixth anthologyPouring clothingcan be understood as a workshowing ‘abyss of existence and recognition of existing’based onknowledge of reality. Considering the matters of above, Changes of Kim yongho’s poetry canbe summarized as starting off as lyricism and non-specific sentiment thatchanges to periodic position after liberation than returning to lyricism,changing to idealistic view and showing the way of recognizing realitybased on fatalistic view and patriotism while changing to existentialism. So we can find out that it is possible to see the basis of Kim yongho’spoetry as a maintenance of historical recognition and existential behaviorof ego, not as a devotion to sentimental emotions. So this essay’s mainidea is pointing out the need for a new way to approach Kim yongho’spoetry.


1. 들어가는 말
 2. 김용호 시의 변천 과정
 3. 삶에 대한 애상과 서정적 세계
  1)일상 삶에 대한 연민과 애상
  2)해방된 조국에 대한 애정과 희망
  3)순수한 자연 동경과 에로스의 세계
 4. 역사의식의 투영과 현실에 대한 자각
  1)현실 자각과 운명론적 세계관
  2)민족애의 표출과 현실에 대한 자각
 5. 존재의 심연과 실존의식
 6. 나오는 말


  • 양은창 Yang Eunchang. 단국대학교 한국어문학과 부교수.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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