

임화 시의 서정 양상 연구


A study on the Lyric Aspect in Poems of Lim Hwa


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Lim, Hwa (林和, Autonym 林仁植, 1908~1953) is a poet penetratingan important coordinate of modern literature of Korea. Particularly, theliterary movement theory asserting ‘the conformance of literature andsocial movement’moving along ‘Bolshevikism of the literaturemovement’and aesthetic discussions it brought have still become thesubject of attention of points now. However, unlike the plan of Lim, Hwa regarding politicization of thepoem, only few works properly realized the conformance of literature andthe social movement in his poems. The purpose of this thesis is to verifythe fundamental reason of a crack occurred between a plan and realityappeared in his poems from this perspective and discuss the newaesthetic characteristics and meaning of poems of Lim, Hwa throughthis. First, as a result of analyzing his early work 「What Are You LookingFor?」and late work 「Where Are You?」based on lyricism, it could beconfirmed that the protoplasm of Lim, Hwa’s poetic world is theromantic lyricism. However, from 「Cloudy(曇)—1927」 which the aspectas a proletarian poet claiming to stand for the conformance of literature and politics was appeared, the aspect of lyricism differ in aspect. It wasdegenerated into the abstract and ideal slogan poem due to rapid poetictransformation of intuitively acquired ideology of class. As a result,lyricism of early poems became to have tendency of the romantic ideaoverusing idealismThe fundamental reason of a crack occurred between a plan and realityof politicization of the poem could be confirmed through the process ofdebating about short epics of Lim, Hwa. That came from a gap betweenthe poetic plan as a literature activist doing the theoretical struggle andthe reality as a poet creating poems based on lyricism. Especially, self-criticism on his poems shows that such the paradoxical and contradictoryrelationship is the limitation inherent in him intrinsically.


1. 서론
 2. 임화 시세계의 원형질
 3. 시의 정치화와 창작 현실의 균열
 4. 이론과 창작, 역설적인 갈림길
 5. 사실주의의 재인식
 6. 결론


  • 홍순창 Hong Soonchang. 단국대학교 강사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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