

Impact of STBC Scheme on BER Performance Assessment of a Single Amplify and Forward Relaying Protocol Based Cooperative MIMO-OFDM System



Cooperative communication is a novel class of wireless communication technique which wireless nodes help each other relay information to the intended destination. Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) has become a popular technique for the high data rate and performance. The integration of OFDM and cooperative communication in next generation wireless leads to the design of an efficient and reliable wireless network. A mathematical model for cooperative MIMO-OFDM system has been developed in the present study. Simulation results are provided to evaluate the BER and Text message performance of proposed system. It is observed that a quite satisfactory system performance is achieved in cooperative MIMO-OFDM with STBC under AAF relay for the MMSE detection scheme. It has been estimated from the simulation study that the performance of the cooperative MIMO-OFDM communication system improves with the increasing of SNR.


 1. Introduction
 2. System Model
 3. Theoretical Analysis of Single Relay
  3.1. ZF Signal Detection
  3.2 MMSE Signal Detection
 4. Results and Discussion
 5. Conclusion


  • K. J. A. Chisty Department of Physics, Jahangirnagar University
  • S. M. A. Islam Department of Physics, Jahangirnagar University
  • S. E. Ullah Department of APEE, University of Rajshahi
  • S. R. Sabuj Department of EEE, Bangladesh University


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