

필리핀 지역발전을 위한 지방분권 개혁의 성과평가와 과제 : 주민참여와 로컬 거버넌스를 중심으로


An Assesment and Tasks of Decentralization in the Philippines for Regional Development : A Study of Citizen Participation and Local Governance


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Since the collapse of the Marcos regime in 1986 democratization movement led to the Constitution of 1987 and Local Government Code of 1991 which have served as an institutional foundation for comprehensive decentralization reform in the Philippines. The political, administrative and fiscal decentralization are included in the reform, in particular, while the citizen participation was virtually improved as a way of the political decentralization reform. Due to the reform mentioned above it is noticeable to discover civil society organizations proper significantly since 1991 and their impacts on the development of local governance. In this study local governance of the Philippines was analyzed in two different perspectives: the structural and the procedural aspects which presumably correspond to the quantity and the quality of citizen participation. In the former perspective the quantity of citizen participation was very much increased and made great contribution to the growth of local governance. In the latter view, contradictory conclusions were drawn. Some civil society organizations such as the Center for Popular Empowerment have been very active in conceiving and promoting various programs and events for developing urban governance. In particular, their activities has been focused on the urban poor. To the contrary, citizen participation in the governmental committees and boards has served as a symbol of rhetoric rather than substantial contribution. This is an evidence that local governance in the Philippines has been still affected by a small group of junta characterized by the traditional local elites. To deal with the local patronage with a high level of citizen participation would be a final task in the process of developing local governance in the Philippines.


 I. 서론
 II. 필리핀 지방분권의 주요 내용 및 특징
  1. 필리핀 지방분권의 배경
  2. 필리핀 지방분권의 주요 내용
 III. 시민참여와 로컬 거버넌스
  1. 시민참여와 로컬 거버넌스에 관한 이론적 논의
  2. 연구의 틀과 대상
 IV. 필리핀의 시민참여와 로컬 거버넌스
  1. 시민참여의 양
  2. 시민참여의 질
  3. 케손시 지역발전위원회의 구성과 활동내용
 V. 시사점 및 결론
  1. 시사점
  2. 결론


  • 김순은 Soon-Eun Kim. 서울대 행정대학원 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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