

구양성서 연구와 해석

이중인과율(dual-causality)과 본문의 공백, 그 신학적 의미


Textual Gaps, Dual Causality, and Their Theological Implication


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Dual Causality, Textual Gaps and TheirTheological ImplicationHyo-Myong LimLecturer at Methodist Theological UniversitySouthern Methodist University Ph.DIn the Hebrew narratives God is often portrayed as orchestrating eventsbehind the scenes. When God recedes into the background, humancharacters are granted a wide scope of initiative and the plot itself flows asa series of cause and effect. If God operates behind the scenes and humanactions take up a conspicuous place, how are we going to explain the causeof an event in terms of the roles that the human and the divine charactersplay?To answer the question raised above, I have chosen 1 Samuel 4(thedestruction of the Elides) and 1 Samuel 9(Saul's journey to find lostdonkeys) as texts to be closely examined. The selected texts share twocharacteristics in common, which are critical to this study. Firstly, theplots of the narratives flow according to the principle of causality. Eachmovement in the plot is connected as cause and effect. Secondly, God'simplication in the narrated events is indicated in the prophecies whichare placed before or after the narratives. The downfall of the Elides isannounced before it happens, and God's sending of Saul to Samuel isrevealed at the end of Saul's journey. In reading the texts, I use the newliterary critical approach, paying attention to the plot, characterization,textual gaps, textual ambiguity and indeterminacy. A close examination of the texts reveals that the prominent textual gaps--the ways in which God's will for the Elides and Saul, which is proclaimedin the prophecies, is to be fulfilled, the cause of the war against thePhilistines, and how the donkeys are lost and found--call for the reader'sactive participation in creating the meaning of the story. In filling the gapswith imagination in the reading process, the readers, being aware of theprophecies, are urged to find God's invisible hand in the events. Yet, dueto the causal flow of the narratives and the prominent role of humancharacters, God's power is understood as not coercion but influence or‘seduction’ as seen in Saul's journey toward Samuel. Thus both the divineand the human cause an event(dual causality).


구약성서의 이야기가운데는 사람들이 이야기를 주도하여가고 하나님은 사건의 배후에서 일하는 것으로 묘사되는 것들이 많다. 인간이 주역인 이러한 이야기가 하나님의 뜻을 이룬다고 할 때, 사건 발생의 원인자를 어떻게 설명할 것인가?본 연구는 이 질문에 답하기 위해 사무엘상 4장과 9장의 이야기를 신문학비평방법을 적용하되 특히 본문의 공백에 집중하여 읽으면서 이중인과율로 본문을 해석한다.


1. 서론
 2. 엘리 가정의 몰락(삼상 4:1-22)
 3. 사울의 암나귀 찾기(사무엘상 9장)
 4. 결론: 이중인과율에 따른 이야기 패턴과 그 신학적 의미
 5. 참고문헌


  • 임효명 Hyo-Myong Lim. 감신대


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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