

특집 : 이스라엘과 이방인 - 다문화 다종교의 상황에서 세계와의 대화 모색

WCC의 ‘종교간 대화와 종교포용주의’의 성서적 근거 - 아브라함의 하나님 이해 발전 연구 -


Biblical Foundations of WCC-led Inter-faith Dialogue and Religious Inclusivism: A Study of Abraham’s Progressive Understandings of God


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Biblical Foundations of WCC-led Inter-faithDialogue and Religious Inclusivism. - A Study of Abraham’s Progressive Understandings of God -Hae Kwon Kim, Ph. D. Professor, Department of Christian StudiesSoongsil UniversityThe present essay explores how Abraham’s understandings of God ElShadday were enriched and made adjustable as he interacted with Canaan’sindigenous peoples on various occasions. The purpose of this studyis first to show to what extent justifiable WCC-led inter- faith dialogueand its religious inclusivism may be and to point out their limitation. Tothis end, the present essay engages Lee Hyungki an ardent advocator ofWCC's inter-faith dialogue and his vehement opponent, Choi Duck Sungin debate. The present essay is inclined to take side with Lee Hungki whenhe argues for WCC-led inter- religious dialogue and mutual learning policy,WCC의 ‘종교간 대화와 종교포용주의’의 성서적 근거 -아브라함의 하나 님 이해 발전 연구 ㅣ- 김회권 9 3based on two grounds: A case of Abraham's progressive understandingsof God clearly shown in the Book of Genesis and the Possibility of God'sbeing known to other peoples and civilizations than Israel via NaturalRevelation. The thesis of the present article is that Abraham’s religion grewmuch mature and was enriched in the course of his multi-faceted contactsand interactions with several indigenous peoples of Canaan. Genesis 12-25 present at least four scenes in which Abraham enriched his previousknowledge of God, widened, and deepened his earlier understandings ofGod when he meaningfully encountered Canaanite peoples such as Mamre,Melchizedek, Beershebaean Canaanites, and the God of the Moriah mount. In each encounter with Canaanite names of God, Abraham gained a moremature understanding of God. The four scenes of Abraham’s renewedunderstanding of God shed some positive light on the WCC-led inter-faithdialogue for making a Christian understanding of God more mature andbalanced. Furthermore, the present essay provides a concise overview ofmajor biblical attestations saying that non-Israelite peoples may be enabledto gain a certain understanding of God, the God of Israel via NaturalRevelation. Based on the foregoing discussion, the present essay concludesthat a close exploration of Abraham’s progressive understandings of Godjustifies the WCC-led inter-faith dialogue and mutual enrichment programvia inter-religious contacts and interactions.


본 논문은 이형기와 최덕성의 저작들에 전개된 WCC 신학에 대한 논쟁에 비추어 창세기에 나타난 아브라함 종교의 종교 대화적, 종합적 발전과정을 추적한다. 이 논문의 논지는 “아브라함 종교는 위로부터의 계시뿐만 아니라 옆으로부터의 하나님 계시를 수용하여 발전을 거듭했다”는 것이다. 즉 하나님의 위로부터의계시를 통해 창조된 아브라함의 종교와 신앙은 인근문명권의 타종교들과의 대화,통섭, 접촉을 거치는 동안에 발전을 거듭했다고 본다


1. 들어가는말
 2. WCC 종교혼합주의를 공격하는 최덕성의 주장과 이형기의답변
 3. 주변종교들과의 접촉 중에 풍성해지는 아브라함의 하나님 이해
  1 ) 세검 모레 상수리나무와 마므레 상수리나무 아래에 단을 쌓는 아브라함(창 12-13장, 18장)
  2) 브엘세바 에셀나무 성소에서 하나님을 부르는 아브라함(창 21 장)
  3) 멜기세텍과의 조우를 통해 성장하는 아브라함의 하나님 아는 지식(창 14장)
  4) 모리아 산에서의 공포와 전율(아케다)-몰렉숭배 극복(창 22장)
 4. 하나님을 더듬어 찾아가는 알아가는 고등종교의 하나님 이해가능성
  1) 시편 19편 1-6절(옵 36:22-26; 38: 1-39:30): 우주질서를 통한 하나님의 왕적 속성 계시
  2) 로마서 1 장 18-20절 : 피조물을 통한 하나님의 속성과 능력 계시
  3) 로마서 2장 14-15절: 인간 양심과 도덕의식을 통한 하나님의 율법 계시
  4) 사도행전 14장 15-17절(마 5:45): 자연 속에 드러난 하나님의보편적인돌보심과섭리
  5) 사도행전 17장 22-31 절: 구|납적 경험적인 방법으로 하나님을 찾는 자들에게 열린 하나님
 5. 결론
 6. 참고문헌


  • 김회권 Haε Kwon Kim. 숭실대


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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