


고관절치환술 후의 Rivaroxaban의 국내임상적용


Rivaroxaban in Patients Undergoing Hip Arthroplasty in Korean Patients: Implications in Clinical Practice

유옥리, 나현오, 이정연

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Objective: Currently, rivaroxaban is widely used clinically for thromboprophylaxis after surgery. However, thereare concerns on effectiveness and safety of rivaroxaban for its proper use. We aimed to evaluate the effectivenessand safety of rivaroxaban in orthopaedic patients after total hip replacement surgery in a large medicalcentre after the preferred formulary was switched from enoxaparin to rivaroxaban. Methods: The study wasconducted on the patients who underwent hip arthroplasty surgery at the department of Orthopaedic Surgery atSeoul St. Mary’s Hospital, South Korea. Electronic medical records were retrospectively reviewed to identifypatients treated with rivaroxaban following total hip replacement between February 2011 and March 2012. Evaluation criteria included indications for use, dose, initiation and duration of therapy, drug interactions,adverse reactions, and status of health care reimbursement. The patients who were on enoxaparin were alsoreviewed as a reference. Results: We identified 57 patients who received rivaroxaban and 50 who receivedenoxaparin. All patients were prescribed the drugs for Korean Food and Drug Administration–approved indications. No thromboembolic or bleeding events were observed in either group. However, only 5.3% of rivaroxaban-treated patients had an appropriate length of prophylaxis and only 3.5% began rivaroxaban treatment at therecommended time. Surprisingly, 47.4% of rivaroxaban-treated patients received rivaroxaban despite being ineligiblefor reimbursement benefits. Conclusion: Rivaroxaban was generally well tolerated clinically. However, theduration of treatment, the time of initiation and patient eligibility for reimbursement require improvements,emphasising the need for education which indicates the area of pharmacists’ involvement.


  Study Subjects
  Indications and Dosage
  Initiation of Medication and Duration of Therapy
  Use in Specific Populations
  Drug Interactions and Adverse Reactions
  Reimbursement Eligibility
  Outpatient Follow-up


  • 유옥리 Yu Li Liu. 이화여자대학교 임상보건과학대학원, 가톨릭대학교
  • 나현오 Hyen O La. 가톨릭대학교 서울성모병원 약제부
  • 이정연 Sandy Jeong Rhie. 이화여자대학교 임상보건과학대학원, 이화여자대학교 약학대학


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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