This Paper examined the aspects of the Korean woman writer, Park Wan-suh’s work in the 2011 Revised Korean Textbook, and summarized in three directions. The First is writing from the memory to the writing of life. Doing the literature like Park Wan-suh is to remember the past and to write her experience. On the Analysis of Who ate the Singa? the author get the subject formation by resisting to the language of mom. Looking at the process of writing from the love for the language of mom to the writing of life, and at the same time I Related that to the writing of students themselves. The second is the writing about the marginalized lives to recovery of human. On the Analysis of Cheers to the last man we can discover the greatness of ordinary people in the world that seek only to first class. And the students can learn nature's life and the value of human being on the reading of dendelion flower on the rooftop. And we can find the value of literature on the work, The poet's dream. The third is the writing from world of fairy tales to the initiation toward the adult. On the Analysis of The bicycle chief, Studen ts can internalize the protagonist who experiences conflict to the world. And we identified the problem of education for the literature of now and here. In addition to the result, there are few of work that showing the awareness as a woman in the 2011 revised Korean textbook. It is nece ssary to reflect on the meaning of Growing to women and think gender equality not only for the girl students but also guys. And there is no work about the Korean War. Her Novels about division is very signi ficant at the Koran literary history because that treat the war really on the viewpoint of women. The study Park Wan-Seo was done by the herself more than any other critics and scholars. There is no one who explore the life herself. Her literature is the valuable record from Japanese occupation to the modern Korean history of pain. The author described psychological world from the girl to the elderly people as a self-confessed record. Her literature is the question and answer about “Who am I?” Grandmother Park is the eternal storyteller and teacher of our children. Her works are models of writing and textbook of Korean student.
이 논문은 2011 개정 교육과정 국어 교과서의 박완서 작품 수록 양상을 살펴보고, 박완서 문학교육을 세 가지 방향에서 정리하였다. 첫째, ‘기억의 글쓰기에서 삶의 글쓰기로’에서 ‘박완서처럼 문학하기’는 과거를 기억하고 자신의 체험을 글로 옮겨 쓰기라고 할 수 있다. 그 많던 싱아는 누가 다 먹었을까를 분석하여 작가가 엄마의 언어를 부정하며 글쓰기의 주체로 서고, 동시에 엄마의 언어에 대한 애정으로 삶의 글쓰기로 나아가는 과정을 살펴보면서 학생들의 주체 형성의 글쓰기와 연관시켰다. 둘째, ‘소외된 삶으로부터 인간 회복의 글쓰기’에서는 「꼴찌에게 보내는 갈채」, 「옥상의 민들레 꽃」, 「시인의 꿈」과 같은 작품에 나타난 경쟁적인 물질만능주의 사회에서 인간성의 회복과 문학의 가치에 대해 짚어보았다. 셋째, ‘동화의 세계로부터 어른으로 성장하기’는 「자전거 도둑」을 통해 성인세계와 갈등을 경험하는 주인공을 내면화하면서 문학교육의 과제를 확인하였다.
1. 머리말 - 박완서의 작품 세계와 문학교육
2. 개정 국어 교과서와 박완서 문학교육
3. 박완서 문학 교육의 세 가지 방향
4. 맺음말