


國語 聲調 硏究


A study of Korean Tone System

국어 성조 연구


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Most of the tone-related research in Korea based on the premise that the Mid-Korean and some dialects of the modern Korean were a tonal language and also they are focused on whether it is the true tonal language or the pitch accent language. However, the goal of linguistics have to explain why it may be, than to classify it based on the characteristics of the type of language. In this paper I argue for a tonogenesis-driven approach to identify the natures of Korean tone system. Rather than seeking to classify or label languages, the central goal of linguistics is to determine how different natures of tone systematize the phonetic substance available to the Mid -Korean and some dialects of the modern Korean. The paper focuses on the definition of tone-syllable morphemes, not every unit of a broad representation of lexical tone recognition that having a distinctive character as a small second articulation integral relationship between family relationships and attitudes is needed that includes both. The most necessary and sufficient condition for the control of pitch except the contrastive feature, is a distinctive feature. The primary purpose of bangjum(side dot) in Mid-Korean was that is expressed sino-Korean in Chinese tone system and the demise of the bangjum(side dot) can be said to be wrong. It may be seen the loss of one position of need because Korean tone system did not doing an actual functionality or were not distinctive features at the time of the Middle Ages in Korea. In sum, Korean has a stress system, which happens to be realized in terms of non-obligatory, non-culminative H tone (as well as by other means, e.g. lengthening of a vowel). In other words, Korean tone system offers a case of where tone is superimposed on stress, someth ing which might be designated as metrical tone system for convenience.


현대국어의 慶尙方言 또는 中世國語가 聲調言語라는 前提에 대하여 聲調起源論의 입장에서 재검토 해볼 필요가 있다. 현재 韻律類型論의 論議, 上聲의 성격 論議 以前에 聲調의 生成 過程이 있었는가 가 확인되어야 한다. 이를 위해 우선 2章에서 聲調의 定義를 다시 한 번 살펴보고, 類型論 觀點에서 논란이 되는 聲調의 실 현 단위에 대한 논의를 하였다. 이를 확대하여 3章에서는 聲調와 音高의 비교, 최소대립쌍의 확인 등 을 통해 聲調言語의 必要充分條件이 현대국어의 慶尙方言 또는 中世國語에서 확인될 수 있는지를 검 토해보았다. 4章에서는 중세국어의 傍點이 당시 聲調의 表記라는 주장에 대해 聲調의 發生 측면에서 그 필요성을 논의하였는데, 傍點 表記의 소멸이 곧 聲調의 소멸로 보는 것은 聲調와 傍點을 일체화한 잘못이라고 할 수 있다. 결론적으로 중세국어나 현대 국어의 慶尙方言에 존재하는, 제한된 최소대립쌍(a minimal pair)에서 확인할 수 있는 音高의 대립은 强勢에 덧붙은 聲調로 볼 수 있을 것이다.


 1. 緖論
 2. 聲調의 槪念과 實現 單位
 3. 聲調言語의 條件
 4. 中世國語의 聲調 性格
 5. 結論


  • 南基卓 남기탁. 江原大學校 人文大學 國語國文學科 敎授


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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