

다문화주의 관점에서 한국어 교재의 등장인물 분포 연구


The Analysis of Korean Textbook Characters Ranges in View of Multiple Cultures


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study is to analyze characters ranges in Korean textbook in view of multiple cultures. Multiculturalism is the ideology and the goal that multi-cultural society should posses. The purpose of the multi-cultural education is to fulfil the multi- culturalism. It is multiculturalism that people have their each cultures and enjoy it without prejudice and bigotry about races, nationality, culture, gender, ages, classes. Also people should understand each others’ culture and know all of the people have the universal right. It hard to find the Korean text book based on multiculturalism. But the characters in the Korean text book is chosen by national, gender, age, job so I analyzed the multi-cultural factors with the characters’ ranges. Korean text books that I studied is for international students, marrige immigrant women and multicultural background students. The text book should have various characters in order to improve awareness of multiculturalism. This study is going to have good effects on the further studies about setting direction and developing Korean text book.


1. 서론
 2. 다문화교육과 한국어교육
  2.1 다문화주의와 다문화교육
  2.2 한국어교육에서 다문화교육
 3. 한국어 교재의 등장인물 분석
  3.1 등장인물의 다문화적 요소
  3.2 등장인물 분석
 4. 결론


  • 박선옥 Park, Sun-ok. 한성대학교 언어교육원 조교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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