

젠더 프레임을 통해 본 미 점령기 오키나와 소설 - 오시로 다쓰히로와 히가시 미네오를 중심으로 -


Okinawa Novel on American Occupation through the Aspect of Gender Frame - based on Oshiro Tatsuhiro and Higashi Mineo -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In 1945, Japan was defeated and Korea, liberated. Lost and liberation, though the starting point for both countries after the war was totally opposite, one common thing was that both countries ended up under the occupation of America. The leverage of the US was quite big when discussing the relationship of Korea and Japan after the war. And even among the same people, women's defeat and men's defeat, women's liberation and men's liberation were not the same. In same context, like Korea or Japan mainland, Okinawa is yet in another position. With the defeat of Japan, as Okinawa was freed from the mainland, it was occupied by America. And of course, the postwar for Okinawan women, whether it was defeat or liberation, was not same as the Okinawan men. With these aspects observed, this thesis is to illuminate the work of Oshiro Tatsuhiro and Higashi Mineo through the gender frame. Although it is not hard to imagine that their work reflects Okinawa's transition period for returning to Japan after the occupation, it would be meaningful to study how that is portrayed in the certain gender-structure specifically, and how that is similar and different.


1. 서론
 2.『칵테일파티』·『니라이카나이의 거리』: ‘점령 하’라는 오키나와(적) 상상력
 3.『오키나와 소년』: 소년 VS 창부
 4. 미 점령기에서 복귀까지, 젠더 표상의 반전(反轉)
 5. 결론


  • 손지연 Son, Ji-youn. 경희대학교 후마니타스 칼리지 객원교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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