

대나무 題畵詩에 대한 一考察


This study aims to consider the way to represent the others of A Study on the Painting Poetry(Jehwa) with bamboo

대나무 제화시에 대한 일고찰


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The symbolism of a bamboo and the esthetic sense with integrity and simplicity are properly consistent with an ideal view on human and an esthetic taste of confucian scholars who led the overall culture and established the Joseon Dynasty. The ink bamboo paintings mostly simplify or dispense with the details since the spiritual meaning is considered important in the technical features of the ink bamboo paintings. These features based on the basic expression are coincide with traits of the Korean Chinese poetry which expresses the feeling under the fixed rule. Therefore, the ink bamboo painting and the painting poetry are regarded as a familiar art and created with a long tradition by the noble literati. Painting poetry featuring the bamboo could be classified into three aspects; revealing the integrity and the simplicity of the bamboo, revealing a drawing technique of the ink bamboo paintings, revealing a feeling of appreciating an oriental painting.


1. 서론
 2. 墨竹畵와 題畵詩
 3. 대나무 題畵詩의 제양상
  3.1. 대나무 상징성 표출
  3.2. 墨竹畵 畵法 표출
  3.3. 墨竹畵 鑑賞 표출
 4. 결론


  • 梁鎭潮 양진조. 국립문화재연구소 미술문화재연구실, 학예연구관.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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