

이른바 語根性 漢字語 副詞의 方向性에 대하여


A Study on directionality of Sino-Korean adverbs

이른바 어근성 한자어 부사의 방향성에 대하여


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In this paper, the so-called the root of the process of the formation of the Sino adverbs with respect to its direction was investigated. Until now, the existence of Sino adverbs, against them as inherent Korean perspective, stemming in part from an existing adverb omitted or left out in the form of the variation you want to argue with adverbs, parts of speech from the perspective of prevailing the zero-derived adverbs in the nouns you want to be made ​​to the center came two arguments can be seen. Sino-changing, but the directional adverb may differ from those in this paper in that it is not yet listed in advance by targeting Sino-Korean adverbs, they looked at the process of change in Korean. Thus, the formation process of Sino Chinese adverbs in the same language, if the borrower, and the borrower Chinese adverbs as the adverb while changing the suffix ‘-이/히’ paste the language of the case to accommodate the two types of adverbs direction is presented. In this sense, when viewed Sino adverb has a different orientation of the same origin as the type to admit watching, synchronic omitted or shortened or cut caused by falling type, but has the same meaning and function, and even different If the direction has, to accept the independence of the two types are considered.


1. 서론
 2. 부사 형성 과정과 방향성
  2.1. 한자어 부사와 형태 삭감
  2.2. 한자어 부사와 통사 구조
 3. 한자어 부사의 방향성과 시기
  3.1. 한자어 부사의 방향성
  3.2. 부사화 방향성의 시기 문제
  3.3. 한자어 차용 부사의 가능성
 4. 결론


  • 柳勝國 류승국. 鮮文大 강사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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