This paper is mainly concerned with the status of the null object constructions (NOC) in Korean. According to Bae & Kim (2012), the NOCs, since they have strict and sloppy readings regardless of the bound nouns’ properties, are deep anaphoric. On the other hand, Korean ya construction, a kind of ellipsis constructions, is sur- face anaphoric since they have strict and sloppy especially when the bound noun has the property [+β]. As a result, the pro analysis, not ellipsis analysis, is claimed to be valid for revealing the status of the NOCs. However, in this paper we point out the problems of Bae & Kim’s (2012) analysis. NOCs have different properties from other deep anaphora such as ‘kulaysse’ (do it) and, therefore, does not have to be considered deep anaphoric. Finally, we argue that in the two analyses, pro analysis and ellipsis analysis, the problems remain the same as Um (2012, 2013)’s pointing out, supposing that the NOCs are deep anaphoric,
2. 심층대용현상의 pro
3. 심층대용현상 pro의 문제점
4. 결론