

2字 漢字語 敍述名詞의 類型과 機能 - 開化期 말뭉치를 중심으로 -


Types and Functions of 2-word Sino-Korean Predicative Nouns - With a focus on tagged corpus during the Enlightenment Period -

2자 한자어 서술명사의 유형과 기능 - 개화기 말뭉치를 중심으로 -

이규호, 이민우, 목정수, 김동건, 정화영, 김진해

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper presents an investigation into whether “X” in the “X-hada” construction would be a root or noun. 2-word Sino-Korean “X” can happen in three locations: the predicative construction happens in a predicative location(X-hada), the adnominal construction happens in an adnominal location(X Y), and the adverb construction happens in an adverb location(X Y-hada). The study used the tagged corpus during the Enlightenment Period. The corpus data had a high frequency of Sin-Korean roots in the genres of old novels and newspapers. 2-word Sino-Korean “X” is categorized into Type A in a predicative location(X-hada), Type B in an adnominal location(X Y) and Type C in an adverb location(X Y-hada) according to locations. They take place in all the three locations or only two or one location according to the characteristics of individual nouns. 2-word Sino-Korean “X” comes in the realm of Korean grammar with a status of noun. It can play a predicative, adnominal, and adverb role without combining with “hada”. “X Y-hada” in an adverb construction can be divided into the conjunctive and modifier construction according to the relations between X and Y. The X in the modifier construction seems to have its function converted into an adverb.


1. 序論
 2. 開化期 形態分析 말뭉치
 3. 開化期 2字 漢字語의 分布와 特性
  1) 單獨形
  2) 重複形
  3) 通用形
 4. 開化期 2字 漢字語의 名詞的 性格
  1) 敍述語 構成
  2) 冠形語 構成
  3) 副詞語 構成
 5. 結論


  • 이규호 Gyu-ho, Lee. 한국외대
  • 이민우 Lee, Min-woo. 한국외대
  • 목정수 Mok, Jung-soo. 서울시립대
  • 김동건 Kim, Dong-geon. 경희대
  • 정화영 Jeong, Hwa-young. 경희대
  • 김진해 Kim, Jin-hae. 경희대


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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