

연구논문 Articles

Review on the downfall of Konbaung Dynasty : A Case Study of Myingyun-MyingonDaing Rebellion and Its Effects


Aye Mon Kyi

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study reexamines a covert factor of the colonization of Myanmar kingdom, drawing on the case of Myingyun-MyingonDaing Rebellion broke out in 1866. It criticizes that existing discussions on the downfall of the Konbaung dynasty are preoccupied with post-colonialism. These researches were focus on macro level and pointed out the imperialist stratagem and many scholars concluded for the down fall of Konbaung Dynasty that the wave of Imperialism as Sunami hit from Europe to Asia so that Myanmar could not stand as feudal society and down fall Konbaung Dynasty. All of events and comments were quite true but it is necessary to examine carefully past events. There were many controversial facts about third Anglo-Myanmar war. This paper has pointed out the Kings Mindon's false political strategic due to the lack of awareness on external threat with the giving the best example of Myingun-MyingonDaing rebellion.


Ⅰ. Introduction
  1.1. British-Myanmar Relation after the Second Anglo-Myanmar War
  1.2. Myingyun-MyingonDaing Rebellion
  1.3. The Rebellion and Its Effect on the British-Myanmar Relation
 Ⅱ. Discussion


  • Aye Mon Kyi Independent Researcher, Myanmar


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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