

Critical current characteristic of various 2G HTS multi-stacked tapes depending on the low external magnetic field



2G HTS tapes are widely used for various electric machines. In addition, stacked or parallel connected HTS tapes are essentially used to raise transport current level for large capacity electric machines. Therefore, critical current characteristic of stacked tapes need to be studied. Recently developed 2G HTS tapes are fabricated with various defects doping so that tapes possess pinning center to improve the critical current characteristic. During this process, the critical current is determined minimum value in not perpendicular magnetic field but a specific magnetic field angle according to the reported research. However, the effects of magnetic field angle to critical current of multi-stacked 2G HTS tapes have not been examined. In this paper, field coil which is a race-track coil wound by using an HTS tape with iron-core was fabricated to apply angle adjustable magnetic field to the 2G HTS tape samples. We measured critical current of single and multi-stacked two tapes that have different characteristic depending on various magnetic field angle and magnitude in liquid nitrogen environment. Furthermore, results of single and multi-stacked tapes were compared and analyzed.


 1. 서론
 2. 실험장치의 제작 및 실험 방법
  2.1. 단일 선재 및 적층 선재 샘플제작
  2.2. 외부자장 인가 모듈 제작 및 실험 방법
 3. 실험결과 및 분석
  3.1. 단일 및 적층 GdBCO 선재의 임계전류
  3.2. 단일 및 적층 YBCO 선재의 임계전류
 4. 결론


  • J. Kim School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Yonsei University
  • W.S. Lee School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Yonsei University
  • H. Jin School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Yonsei University
  • T.K. Ko School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Yonsei University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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