

与侵害中国网络著作权有关的争论题考查 - 以签定韩中自由贸易地区时网络著作权问题为中心 -


Study on The Infringement Of Criminal Internet Copyright And Its Legislation Perfection in the WTO's Financial Service Trade Law


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



I analyzes the significance and function of the revision of the Foreign Trade law in five aspects, mainly as follows: enlarging the range of the permitted foreign t rader, supplementing the stipulation of state trade, legalizing the permission of automatic import and export , strengthening and accelerating the intellectual proper ty protection in the foreign trade area, and establishing and completing the invest igation system of foreign trade. Mean while, the lack of it is also pointed out. This article proceeds with research of the international financial service trade barrier, has described the frame of law of WTO's financial service trade, have explained the basic law principle of WTO‘s financial service trade especially, have studied the principle of national treatment, the market access and most favored nation treatment principle of GATS especially among them. In recent years, with the rapid development of the media industry, network violations arise. As one of the main network of copyright infringement, the issue of act of tort and the legal responsibility of network service providers have begun to attract legislative attention both at home and abroad. For specific issues in judicial practice, China also makes some relevant provisions on network service providers. However, for the lack of legislative experience and complex judicial practice, the system of network service providers’' liability displays certain insufficiency and flaws in our country. Therefore, China needs to learn from other countries and make in - depth practice for refinement and further development. As a new form of communication through information network in recent years,non - interactive communication through information network now falls out of the p resent law as it does not fall into the regulaiton any of the laws and rules concerning exclusive rights in China’ Copyright Law. The reason lies in the fact that the articles on the right of communication through information network in China’ Copyright Law has imp roperly limited the scope of the right of communication to the public in international treaties and confine it to interactive communication through information network. China should, while keep ing the title of the right of communication through information network, abide by the regulations in international treaties on the right of communication to the public so as to make it app licable to all acts of communication through information network and to meet the requirements in international treaties.




  • 金钟佑 김종우. 江南大学中国实用地域学科教授,法学博士


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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