

Section A: Computing and Communications

Predicting Osteoporosis and Osteoporotic Fractures by Analyzing the Fracture Patterns and Trabecular Microarchitectures of the Proximal Femur




The purpose of this study is to identify the optimal threshold ranges for predicting osteoporosis and osteoporotic fractures by analyzing the correlations between the trabecular patterns and fracture risk factors of the proximal femur. We selected 85 post-menopausal women as experimental subjects and classified them into groups of 29 normal and 56 osteoporotic patients according to their T-scores. We proposed a novel thresholding algorithm, which divides the threshold ranges from 0% to 95% on the basis of the trabecular bone area, and assessed the osteoporosis predictability for each range. The evaluation parameters were categorized into four morphological parameters and six fracture risk factors. Consequently, we found the clinical usefulness of the proposed algorithm for discriminating the patients with osteoporosis from those with normal bone. Moreover, the significances between the morphological parameters and the fracture risk factors improved as the bone mineral density (BMD) decreased. Based on these experimental results, we selected the optimal threshold conditions for predicting osteoporosis and osteoporotic fractures at thresholds of 40%-80%.


  A. Experimental Subjects
  B. Extraction of the Trabecular Patterns
  C. Proposed Thresholding Technique
  D. Extraction of the Fracture Risk Factors
  E. Statistical Analysis
  A. Correlations of BMD between the Normal and the Osteoporosis Group
  B. Comparison of the Morphological Parameters under the Different Thresholding Conditions
  C. Correlations of Fracture Risk Factors between the Normal and the Osteoporosis Group
  D. Correlations between the Morphological Parameters and the Fracture Risk Factors


  • Eun Byeol Jo Department of Medical Bio Technology Dongguk University Seoul, South Korea
  • Ju Hwan Lee Department of Medical Bio Technology Dongguk University Seoul, South Korea
  • Sung Yun Park Department of Medical Bio Technology Dongguk University Seoul, South Korea
  • Sung Min Kim Department of Medical Bio Technology Dongguk University Seoul, South Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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