

일반 논문

글 없는 그림동화 「눈사람 아저씨」의 그림 읽기와 이야기 구성 탐색


"The Snowman" shown in the illustration Space-time configuration of the flow and story


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Most of the books are complementary to the words and pictures intended to act as a change in the space-time is presented. On the other hand, there is no writing picture books with the picture to indicate a change in time and space endeavor. Post a free picture of assimilation of Raymond Briggs' “The Snowman" and a plot that appears in the picture characteristics were investigated. When we read wordless picture books, we used a title and front cover, back cover actively. And the picture can be seen through the changes of time and space, relationships and behavior, people's psychological process of change, such as changes in the space of fantasy and reality were examined. Based on this, “The Snowman" is shared of the five -part story events. ‘a. Reported that snow fell to make a snowman (1-3), b. Encounter with a snowman (4-5), c. Snowman family to the introduction (6-17), d. I travel with a snowman and sky (18-27), e. Gone melting snowman (28-30)' could look at the entire development process . As a result, the characteristics of a picture in a picture book without writing the story and the pictures on how to develop more specifically, could understand. In addition, through a variety of pictures evoke the imagination to see the story was composed in a variety of ways through the picture to read a new story might be envisioned


Ⅰ. 들어가며
 Ⅱ. 글 없는 그림동화 「눈사람 아저씨」의 양식적 특징
 Ⅲ. 「눈사람 아저씨」의 시공간 변화와 이야기 구성 탐색
  1. 그림에 나타난 시공간의 흐름과 인물의 관계 찾기
  2. 그림 읽기를 통한 이야기 구성 탐색
 Ⅳ. 나오며


  • 김상한 Kim, Sang-han. 미국 와이오밍 주립대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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