

싱가포르 외국인투자 유치 성공 사례 연구


A Case Study of the Singapore on the Successful FDI Inducement Policy


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper examines a case study of the Singapore on the successful FDI inducement policy. Foreign companies bring new technologies, ideas and skills, as well as new investment to an economy - and there can be significant benefits for indigenous companies as suppliers and for local economies. For example, the biomedical industry in Singapore has an annual output of more than 21USD billion, contributing 4.7% of the national GDP. The biomedical industry is the one of the main strategic industry to fuel the economic growth. A high level of inward investment is a sign that a country is a good place in which to do business. According to UNCTAD(2013), the Singapore is the 7th biggest global FDI host country, absorbing 566.5billion USD which shares 4.19% of the total global inward investment. Many countries have offered various investment incentives to attract foreign direct investment. EDB is the government organisation, playing crucial role to induce foreign investment in the Singapore. Foreign investors are attracted by the Singapore's general business environment; availability of skilled labour; the strength of the R&D base and the R&D tax credit supports & incentives; the English speaking business; economic stability; the favourable tax scheme, and regulatory regime; and other factors such as advanced financial institutions and SOC, and competitive education system. The Singapore is also provides a platform for reaching markets in Europe, Asia, and the USA. It provides a skilled and adaptable workforce and unrivalled R&D capabilities for international businesses looking to grow. Investing companies also recognise the importance of operating in a market in which it is easy to set-up and do business.


 I. 서론
 II. 문헌연구(Literature Survey)
 III. 싱가포르 외국인투자 현황
 IV. 싱가포르의 FDI 유입 정책 및 제도
 V. 투자유치 사례 및 성공요인
 VI. 결론


  • 변재웅 Jae-Woong Byun. 계명대학교 국제통상학과 부교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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