

융합 의과학

Evaluation of Linearity Air Kerma Applied to the IEC 60601-2-45 Standard in Mammographic X-ray


유방촬영용 X선 진단장치에서IEC 60601-2-45 표준규격을 적용한 직선성 평가

Dong-Hee Hong, Hong-Ryang Jung, Cheong-Hwan Lim, Beom-Hee Han, Sang-Hyun Han, Sang-Ho Lee, Eun-Hee Mo, Ki-Jung Kim, Mi-Hwa Lee, In-Gyu You

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The quality control items of mammography devices in South Korea do not include the linearity, which is required by international standards. The linearity is a requirement for the adjustment of radiation dose and radiation quality. This study tested the linearity, which was suitable for the IEC 60601-2-45 standard, of the 5 mammography devices. All showed adequate results. Consistent measurement management is required for more developed quality control in the future.


현재 우리나라 유방촬영장치의 정도관리 항목에는 국제규격에서 원하는 직선성이 빠져있다. 직선성은 방사선량 및 방사선질의 조정을 위한 요구사항이다. 본 연구에서는 유방촬영장치 5대를 대상으로 IEC 60601-2-45 규격에 맞는 직선성을 시험한 결과 모두 적합한 결과를 보였으며 앞으로 좀 더 발전된 정도관리 를 위해서는 지속적인 측정관리가 필요하다.


 1. Introduction
 2. Materials and Methods
  2.1 Materials
  2.2 Methods of linearity
 3. Results and Discussion
  3.1 Results
 4. Conclusions and discussion


  • Dong-Hee Hong 홍동희. Dept. of Health Care, Hanseo University, ,Dept.of Radiological Science, Fareast University
  • Hong-Ryang Jung 정홍량. Dept.of Radiological Science, Fareast University
  • Cheong-Hwan Lim 임청환. Dept. of Radiological Science, Fareast University
  • Beom-Hee Han 한범희. Dept. of Radiological Science, Seonam University, Dept. of RadiationScience& Technology, Chonbuk National University
  • Sang-Hyun Han 한상현. Dept. of Radiological Science, Seonam University
  • Sang-Ho Lee 이상호. Dept. of Radiological Science, Seonam University
  • Eun-Hee Mo 모은희. Dept. of RadiationScience& Technology, Chonbuk National University
  • Ki-Jung Kim 김기정. Dept. of Radiological Science, Far east University, Dept. of Dignostic Radiology, Konkook University Hospital
  • Mi-Hwa Lee 이미화. Dept. of Radiological Science, Far east University, Dept. of Dignostic Radiology, Kyunghee Univeristy Hospital
  • In-Gyu You 유인규. Dept. of Radiological Science, Far east University, Dept. of Dignostic Radiology, Hallym Univeristy Hospital


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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