

창조국방산업 육성의 전략적 방향 및 과제


Strategic Direction and Tasks for the Development of Creative National Defense Industries


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



National defense science and technology based on civil-military integration is the primary field leading to the realization of the creative economy being promoted by the South Korean government. Defense industries are to have technological experts, long-term development and research, large-scale budget projection, consistent creation of effective demands, law enactment, and institutional policy development for the attainment of the national objectives. Thus, the strengthening of the industrial competitiveness through the selection and concentration strategy is essential and is the foremost national task. In a nutshell, this inquiry suggests the future policy direction for the promotion of the national defense industries, illustrating the present problems and the controversial issues with regard to the ecological environment of the military-industrial complex. First, it searches for the policy foundations of the national strategies and the promotion of the defense industries, and then reviews the primary tasks that need to be done in the context of the defense economies as a whole. This paper contains the following policy alternatives: promotion of the domestic market, revitalization of exports, strengthening of efficiency and management, intensive defense research and development, and provision of consistent institutional and legal assistance.


 1. 서론
 2. 국가전략과 국방산업 육성의 정책기조
 3. 국방산업 활성화 관련 주요 쟁점사항과 과제
 4. 창조국방산업 육성의 정책적 제언 및 결론


  • 길병옥 Kil, Byung Ok. 충남대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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