

유럽연합(EU) 및 유럽 각국 정부의 방위산업 정책 및 제도분석, 그리고 그 함의에 관한 연구


A Study on the Analysis of the Defense Industrial Policies & Institutions of the European Union(EU) and Each European Government, and Its Implications


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study is to look at how the EU and each government has pursued some of the policies and institutions to develop their regional defense industries from 1990s to the present, and to draw policy implications that help Korean government to enhance competitiveness of the domestic defense industry. Research findings show that defense-related agencies, such as OCCAR and EDA, didn’t have authoritative means that coordinate and control the defense industrial policies of each European country. These agencies have played a role in coordinating collaborative program that would be focus on the defense-related Research and Technology(R&T) among European countries. In this respect, in Europe, each government’s defense-related departments, armed forces & defense industries have the authority to perform a key role in the process of the formulation and implementation of defense industrial policies. Each government and defense industry of the Europe has three strategies or policies in common to counter the dominance of the U.S. defense companies in global markets. First, it strengthens defense cooperation among European countries. Second, it fits into the global supply-chain dominated by the U.S. defense industry. Third, it seeks to become part of the U.S. defense industry. With these in mind, Korea's defense industry must actively promote collaboration - common development & production - among domestic & foreign defense industries. And it needs to participate in the U.S. procurement market by taking over the U.S.'s small and medium-sized defense companies like the European defense industries. In addition, it needs to promote strategies to secure overseas production base through joint development & production, joint venture through technology transfer, etc., in the case of the Middle East and Asian countries that have a lot of demand of conventional weapons systems.


 1. 서론
 2. 유럽연합(EU)의 방위산업 정책 및 제도
 3. 유럽 각국 정부의 방위산업 정책 및 제도
 4. 정책적 함의
 5. 결론


  • 김종하 Kim, Jong Ha. 한남대학교 국방전략대학원장/정치언론국제학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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