Recently many researches on implementing TIF system are introduced. The TIF system is a financing or funding method for the smooth process of housing redevelopment and reconstruction projects on security of tax revenue of the local government. However in case of excessive use it can lay a burden on the local government budget. So the TIF system is supposed to be controlled as the last shift for regenerating underdeveloped areas. In this aspect this study tries to establish the appropriate criteria for the implementation of TIF prearranged zone. Methodologically the criteria for the implementation of TIF prearranged zone are fixed by the evaluation process of AHP method, which can quantify the qualitative or intuitive indicators such as decision makers' experiences to residence redevelopment policy and secure the objectivity of finding weighted value. In the process of structuring AHP hierarchy 9 indicators are chosen by experts' brainstorming. Based on these 9 indicators questionnaire survey was carried out targeting 3 groups: public officers, planners and professors, who are engaged in the field of urban and residence planning. The result of questionnaire survey made clear basically the stance of each group on the criteria of TIF prearranged zone and ultimately led to their priority decision on the 9 indicators. The priority of the indicators based on the criteria of TIF prearranged zone is presented in the following order: housing accessibility to roads, spatial proximity to the CBD, the rate of deserted houses, housing density, houses over 20 years, the number of parks, schools, the rate of land price change, and the rate of unlicensed houses. Accordingly the TIF prearranged zone for the residence redevelopment and reconstruction projects is supposed to be preferentially applied for the location oriented indicators and then the ones of physical condition.
1. 서론
1.1. 연구의 배경 및 목적
1.2. 연구의 방법
2. 이론적 고찰
2.1. 미국의 TID 지정요건
2.2 선행연구
3. AHP 의사결정법을 이용한 TIF예정구역 선정기준 마련
3.1 브레인스토밍
3.2. AHP 계층구조 작성
3.3. 전문가 설문분석 및 지표 간 가중치 산정
4. 결론