

사회네트워크분석을 이용한 풍력산업 네트워크 구조 분석 - 호남권을 중심으로 -


Analysis of Network Structure in the Wind Power Industry using Social Network Analysis - Focusing on the Honam Economic Region -

이학래, 나주몽

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study aimed to analyse the average path length of the wind power industry network in the Honam Economic Region using the 2005 Input-Output Tables presented by Bank of Korea(2009). For this purpose, the study analysed the degree of industry specialization and the social networks needed to understand the structure of the production chains in industry specialization. As a result of analysing the average path length, it was discovered that primary industries such as iron and steel, chemical products, and motors tended to use products of other industries as intermediate materials in Honam. As a result of analysing the networks of the wind power industry in Honam, networks became connected at a higher rate than they were separated. This means that industries related to the wind power industry were well-connected with other industries. Political suggestions for the development of the wind power industry in Honam are the following. First, metal products and mechanical components for general use in the wind power industry had a high connection rate with specific industries and the structure of the networks was dispersed. Second, within Honam there exists 80% of the components used in the wind power and generator industries, and 20% of the installation and development services. In particular, the local installation and development services were weak. The third, the weight of the wind power industry in Honam was weaker than that of other industries when compared to companies dealing in plastic, metal products, components for general use, electric appliances and other devices which were not in a central location as seen in a network spring map.


 1. 서론
 2. 이론적 고찰
  2.1. 사회네트워크분석 관련 연구
  2.2. 풍력산업 관련 연구
 3. 분석 방법
  3.1. 평균파급길이
  3.2. 평균파급길이에 의한 사회네트워크분석
 4. 호남권 풍력산업의 구조적 네트워크 특성 분석
  4.1. 자료 및 풍력산업 구분
  4.2. 호남권 생산사슬
  4.3. 풍력산업 네트워크 구조 분석
 5. 결론 및 시사점


  • 이학래 Lee, Hag-Rae. 호남권광역경제발전위원회, 전남대 지역개발학과 박사수료
  • 나주몽 Na, Ju-Mong. 전남대학교 경제학부 지역개발학전공 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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