

중국변경 서사시 게사르왕전의 토대 - 판본과 불교


The backgrond of King Gesar as Epic of China’s borderland - Focus on editions and Buddhism


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In this paper, R.A. Stein and Roerich are representatively introduced to examine King Gesar as they are the main researchers. In addition, throughout the investigation of King Gesar, it was examined how its spoken language was transformed into the wooden language. However, King Gesar is currently being presented on the stages nowadays, so it is not certain if its base story is genuine although it's possible to catch some common elements from different editions. Tibetan Buddhism greatly influenced on King Gesar. On the Tibetan Buddhist aspect, Tibet has its own unique history. Not only they were influenced by Chinese Buddhism, but also were influenced by Indian Buddhism. As mentioned in the text, Padma-Sambhava, Atisa, Dromtonpa and Tsong-kha-pa who were all unique Buddhist thinkers appeared in the history. It can be expected to have more products as their long history of Buddhism still has many areas to explore. Upon looking into some possible areas to explore, this paper observed multiple chapters and the history of Tibetan Buddhism based on the study of King Gesar. Especially Padma-Sambhava's book, 'The Tibetan book of the dead' brought more attention to this research. This book in the humanity point of view can lead to more various ways of interpretation of Tibetan Buddhist heritage and is considered one of great legacies by Western scholars who are also highly interested in the psychological aspect of this book.


1. 서론
 2. 게사르왕전의 중요 연구자
  2.1. 스테인 - 설창자의 조건
  2.2. 로에리치, 任乃强 등
 3. 판본에 대해서
  3.1. 수초본의 탄생
  3.2. 목판본의 등장
  3.3. 다양한 언어의 판본
 4. 불교와 게사르왕전
  4.1. 티베트 불교
  4.2. 게사르왕전 속의 불교 - 파드마삼바바(Padma-Sambhava)
 5. 결론


  • 나선희 버클리 대학(University of California, Berkeley) 중국학센터(Center for Chinese Studies) 방문학자.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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