

근대건축 등록문화재의 보존 방안에 관한 연구


A Study on the Preservation Method of Modern Registered Architectural Cultural Properties

신응주, 이상선

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study suggests institutional and methodological approaches for preservation of South Korea’s registered cultural properties of modern architecture. The suggested approaches are as follows. First, in order to improve the current registration and preservation system for cultural properties, we need to employ both structure-based classification and style-based classification. Registration criteria for modern architecture properties need to include more detailed classification in terms of their structure: brick structure, steel concrete structure and post lintel structure. In terms of construction style, the properties need to be further classified into the western style, the traditional style and the Korean-western eclectic style. In addition, protection of registered cultural properties need to be achieved through legislation of a protection system. Second, while the current system sets out six methods for preservation of registered cultural properties of modern architecture, more specific preservation methods types and plans need to be continuously introduced. In particular, as for the method of partial preservation, the method needs to be further classified based on the usage of the relevant structure so as to allow for more diverse options. First, the ‘Preservation by Interior Alteration’ needs to be added to the category, where the exterior is preserved as it is and the interior is preserved through alteration. Also needs to be added the preservation method where the interior space is preserved as it is and the exterior space is altered, in case the finishing materials of the exterior has deteriorated. Third, if the records on registered cultural properties of modern architecture are to provide the functions of legal evidences regarding management of architectural cultural properties, sources of knowledge required for policy making and implementation and past management record for the future, each phase needs to be closely connected in an organic manner, and we need to establish a management system and plan that go beyond the relevant organizations. Fourth, in order to preserve South Korea’s registered cultural properties of modern architecture in its original state, it is imperative to prepare separate criteria for registration of technicians with expertise on modern architecture, and train experts and technicians on modern architecture, which is distinguished from the traditional architecture.


 1. 서론
  1.1 연구의 배경과 목적
  1.2 연구의 내용과 방법
  1.3 선행연구고찰
 2. 이론고찰
  2.1 근대건축 등록문화재의 등록제도와 현황
  2.2 등록문화재 제도의 특징
  2.3 등록문화재의 현황
  2.4 등록문화재 제도의 문제점
 3. 근대건축 등록문화재의 보존 방안
  3.1 등록문화재 등록과 보존 제도의 개선
  3.2 근대건축 등록문화재의 보존방식 다양화
  3.3 근대건축 등록문화재의 이력관리 방안
  3.4 수리 전문인력의 확충
 4. 결론


  • 신응주 Shin, Woong-Ju. 정회원, 조선대학교 건축학부 조교수
  • 이상선 Lee, Sang-sun. 정회원, 서남대학교 건축공학과 조교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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