

지방도시 공공시설의 시설 수와 연면적에 관한 연구


A Study on the Number of Public Facilities and Total Floor Area of Public Facilities of provincial cities

이승은, 이상현, 이을규

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The urban development, resulting from the economic growth that initiated in the 1960s, focused on outward expansion until the 1980s. However, beginning in the early 1990s, there has been a steady increase in the attention paid to the qualitative aspects of life. With increased income and awareness of quality life, citizens today demand for various good quality services. For them, urban public facilities are an important part of community life because the facilities have effect on their psychological comfort or satisfaction with residential area. Nevertheless, in reality, due to the lack of society's awareness of the importance and necessity of public facilities, not enough investment is being made in public facilities, failing to meet the growing demand for the facilities. This study examined the public facilities of provincial cities with focus on the number and total area size of the facilities, then compared and analyzed the facilities in terms of number and total area size. It is hoped that the findings from the study will encourage policy makers to increase support for public facilities, contributing to achieving the sustainable growth of cities.


 1. 서론
  1.1 연구배경과 목적
  1.2 연구의 방법과 내용
 2.공공시설의 형태
  2.1 공공시설의 개념
  2.2 공공시설의 권역별 입지분석
  2.3 공공시설의 유형
 3. 공공시설의 시설 수와 연면적 정비 현황
  3.1 인구 1만 당 공공시설 시설 수 현황
  3.2 인구 10만 당 공공시설 연면적 현황
  3.3 공공시설의 시설 수와 연면적 분석
 4. 시설특성과 지역에 따른 공공시설의 정비 현황
  4.1 각 공공시설별 시설 수와 연면적
  4.2 각 지역별 시설 수와 연면적
 5. 결론


  • 이승은 Lee, Seung-Eun. 정회원, 한경대학교 건축학부, 외래교수
  • 이상현 Lee, Sang-Hyun. 정회원, 한경대학교 산업대학원, 석사과정
  • 이을규 Lee, Eul-Gyu. 정회원, 한경대학교 건축학부, 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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